Ah, nostalgia! It ain't what it used to be. Which is much the same for Saturday's runsite behind Rong Rien Tan Khwai: it ain't what it used to be. Time was when we could use the area immediately adjacent to the road, but that has long since given way to an extension to the fish factory. And now it looks as if the quarry at the back is about to go the same way as the upper area is being actively flattened and is thus covered in a layer of moon dust, making it necessary to head down towards the lake to find refuge on Saturday for what could be the last time we are able to use this particular run site. Shame, for it has been a good stand by for when you couldn't think of anywhere else to set a run.
So, Saturday's details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1837, Saturday August 27th 2016, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Egghead and others
Misdirections: From the Kao Seng intersection take the old Yala road for 17.7k and turn right just past Tan Khwai School. After 800 meters, turn right and follow the orange dirt road for 200 meters then turn right into the quarry and follow the left hand track going down for about 150m to the
runsite by the lake.
From Hatyai, get to the Tha Kham crossroads (accessible from the Nam Noi traffic lights on the old Songkhla road, go right/east for 7k; or from the Wat Keow Kloy end of Poonakan Road,go left/north for 2k) and head east for 6k, to the big tree at Ban Sai Kao, then carry straight on eastwards for another 3.5k to hit the old Yala road at Wat Khun Thong. Turn right for about 1.7k then turn right just past Tan Khwai School etc.
Sunday's HH3 run is again being set by Robocop who will be using a run site somewhere on the stretch of road between the big tree at Ban Sai Kao and Wat Khun Thong "opposite the quarry" (i.e the HH3/HFMH3 runsite two weeks back). More details as they emerge. Could be some interesting paper conflicts in store as this will be the fourth run in that area in the last 15 days!
Finally, as this is the end of the month there will be a quiz night on Friday 26th August at the Office Bar when Koko will be the quiz meister. Can't remember the last time the hash team managed to stave off defeat, but our luck's gotta change soon!
As the actress said to the bishop, it's a bit too moist down below so we'd better stick to the flat bit on top... of the run site that is. Happily the activity earlier in the week has ceased so we should be ok to park in the usual spot rather than going down to the lower level which has a big puddle on it after this week's rain.
As the actress said to the bishop, it's a bit too moist down below so we'd better stick to the flat bit on top... of the run site that is. Happily the activity earlier in the week has ceased so we should be ok to park in the usual spot rather than going down to the lower level which has a big puddle on it after this week's rain.