After last
Sundays rather flat HH3 run, this run returned to our much preferred normal format
of nice hilly runs. Apart from the first hill, which was also completed by our
short runners, and by all accounts was enjoyed by all, the rest of the long run
was over relatively low rolling hills. This still resulted in an overall ascent
of 345m over the 7.3km covered by the run and including the 7 checks, 7 false
trails & 2 check-backs which just happened to go downhill, as testified by
Stick Insect. The short run had a total ascent of 150m, which took it to a highest
point on the run of approximately 100m, offering panoramic views back over the
runsite and the coastline. The first beerstop was reached after a rather rapid
descent of over 120m in just under 360m (yes SI that’s a grade of approx. -33%).
The second beerstop was reached by the very small pack of seven runners, in a
bit more of an orderly fashion, apart from our “super” runner who was appropriately
punished at the circle by being forced to drink more beer, ....on the ice.
Great to see the return of the soft family, even if only for temporary relief
from the confines of our southern neighbours.
A good run is an even better run when it has two beer stops. ;)