With the dry season extending well beyond normal, the countryside to the East of the old Yala road has yielded not one but two runs this year. 1822 started in the quarry, headed out towards the sea and hit 3m just after the first 360, before slowly ascending back to the 24m it started at. Mr Garmin said we climbed 63m but I'm not sure that he was accurate as the run seemed to be dead flat for most of the 6.4k (7.9k including all the Fs and X's). Meanwhile the short run hit the high spots with a vertigo-inducing 30m on their 2.8k trip. Lots of beer, good food and vibes followed the runs.
Pray for rain or we could be back around these parts again soon!!
That swamp really is something, standing on the tangled vegetation, (which took my negligible weight!)I could feel it moving and water slopping about below it, strange feeling and possibly the best reason I have had for staying on paper in the future!