For those who may not have heard, Superpig's Dad, (Warthog at SH3) died late on Tuesday afternoon. Details of the funeral will follow but he is lying at Wat Ko Sur near Hatyai Stadium and prayers are at 7:00 p.m. every evening. HH3 will be there most evenings and there is a deputation from SH3 attending this evening (Thursday).
To happier matters;The SH3 AGM run on Saturday is:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1810, Saturday 27th February 2016, 4:15 p.m. with the AGM taking place immediately before the run.
Hares: Stick Insect and Perky
Misdirections: From the Kao Seng intersection take the old Yala road for 11k and turn right. Go 1k to the runsite on the right between the wat and the football field.
(From Hatyai either go to the Ko Yo intersection then turn left up the New Yala road for about 9k to Ang Thong, then turn right onto the old Yala road for 1k and turn right for 1k to the runsite on the right. OR from Tha Kham take the road East towards the big tree for about 5k and turn left on the road headed towards Kao Long for 500m, then bear right and follow the road for about 3k through the village and across 2 crossroads to the runsite on the left between the football field and the wat.
The HH3 run on Sunday (28th February) will be at Nam Noi: from the Ko Yo intersection, take the Old Hatyai road for 10k and turn right at the Nam Noi traffic lights then go about 1.5k and turn right just before the market and follow the road/track for 700m to the runsite. The hare was due to be Toy Boy, but confirmation of the funeral arrangements may cause some changes, which will be posted here if neccesary.
Finally, on Friday night (26th February), there will be a quiz night at the Office Bar at 8 p.m.'ish when the quiz master will be Koko. The hash team will be making up the numbers again and there is a real chance that the Hash ladies will also be sending along a team to humble the men, who are potentially on a 3-time losing streak, yet again.
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