Following a bizarre incident involving a green bean, a goat and a case of Leo, Only a Yolk is nursing an injured foot this week so cannot participate in laying this weekend's 2 runs as originally intended. Thus the whole pack of cards which is the pussy posse collapses in a heap, leaving two vacant slots, into which've guessed it, Egghead and Robocop, respectively on Saturday and Sunday. Som Nom Na!
So Saturday's hastily rearranged SH3 run will be:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1806, Saturday 29th January 2016, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Egghead, White Meat, Harram and Ma Mick if he's good.
Misdirections: From the Kao Saeng intersection, take the old Yala road for 16k and turn right before Wat Kun Thong. Go 1k and turn right and follow the track for about 250m into the old quarry (apologies in advance for the puddles - if you don't want to drive through them, park on the main track and walk the last 100m to the run site.)
Sunday's run site is yet to be announced so will have to be posted here later.
The Hatyai Hash run tomorrow will be from the football field at Kuan Jong - there's a map on this blog at for anyone who doesn't know where that is or take the Ban Nai Rai turning off of Poonakan (about 7.5k down from Wat Keow Kloy) and follow the road for about 3.5k, then look for a sign on the left. The hares are Robocop (as above) and Sex Racing, who will be trying to make up for last week!