Yesterday was pretty much 34 years to the day since Crawlback set the first SH3 run and give or take a hare or two and the odd runner, the format hasn't changed much in the intervening years. Yesterday's run (above) was a generous 7.7k with most of the long runners rejecting the option of giving up after 6.3k at the beer stop, but even so the pack made it all the way round in about 1 hr and 15 mins. The high spot was 140m and the total ascent was 220m The short runners who missed out all that macho climbing stuff, completed 3.4k in something under an hour with at least one runner deciding that a single visit to the beer stop was not enough and walking back for another beer!
With the promise of dinner looming, the GM attempted a quick circle but was thwarted by the number of new and returning runners, sinners and even a couple of namees, to be dealt with before the hares were rewarded for their efforts.
Dinner and a party ensued. The food seemed never to run out since as fast as it was eaten the pots were replenished. The effective end of the eating came when Mongolian Fuck Rat took the microphone for the beginning of the karaoke, causing those with normal aural sensitivities to head for the outside tables, leaving the field for the HH3 contingent to sing, dance and drink the night away. They were still at it when the main body of farangs left to go to watch the rugby at about 9:30. Some never made it, waylaid by flat batteries and in Gan Yao's case the front room carpet where he is alleged to have fallen asleep.
No doubt there will be more tales told this afternoon at the HH3 run which, in case you hadn't heard is now at Kuanjong as per the (repeated) map below.
So for now it's on on to HH3 today, a full moon run on Tuesday, the 1800th run on 19th December and SH3's 35th birthday one year from now. Are we up for that?
Seriously good run this afternoon which Stick..err..Lady of the Lamp has safely tucked away on his GPS. Look forward to it Stick... err Lady; what ever!