A really quick rehash of Saturday's run; The long run had an overall length
of 8.1kms, including the 5 checks, 0 check-back & 10 false trails, with a
total ascent of 322metres. The short run (in green) was 3.8kms, with a modest total
ascent of 104metres, which was run in reverse to the long run.
HANOI "From a soul-sucking 'dementor' wasp named after a creature from the Harry Potter books to a half-metre long stick insect, scientists identified 139 new species in the Greater Mekong Region in 2014, according to a new report." - it seems like our very own SI has been newly discovered. And for SI's own interest "Two new orchid species were discovered in Bangkok's famous Chatuchak Market -- being traded before they had been scientifically identified." - ABC Australia