Announced as a 'wing sabai' with no hills, Sunday's run proved to be anything but that. The version above includes Kii Leum's little diversion off paper (possibly the big loop in the bottom right hand corner of the run) but even without that it was about 8k. And as can be seen from the profile below there was a lot of up, albeit that none of it was much over 150m.
But fair dos to the hares, apart from losing Sex Printer and allowing Moo Sahb to complete an outrageous short cut across the middle of the run, everybody got round before dark despite some inconsistency in the paper which flummoxed even co-hare Sex Racing and sent Kii Leum off on his travels.
The world is definitely getting weirder. Who would have ever imagined that Khii Leum would become our main source for GPS run tracks?