The Scum's directional department is currently undergoing some minor problems with its run-detectors, aggravated by the absence of the occupant of it's vernacular desk who is currently recuperating from some minor throat surgery in a location known only to the directional department who has been sworn to secrecy by the vernacular desk.
So the best that can be reported is that Saturday's SH3 run will be approximately located as follows:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers run #1718, Saturday 17th May 2014, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: (to include) Sex Sprinter and Buk Toy
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersecton take the new Hatyai road for 8.5k and turn left, then follow the road for ... 1.5k (?) and turn left and follow the road/track for...(? - a distance), to the run site about half way up the hill.
The run will be followed by a camp-out at a location known only to the hares, but probably at the top of the hill shown above, which is accessible only to 4-wheel drives with a death wish (see the Hatyai Hash, facebook page, รวมพลคนแฮช (สงขลา) for the gory details!) More information will be posted as it becomes available, but those interested in camping out should bring a tent and likely some food and beer as well which will be carried up to the point illustrated above in a 4-wheel drive, while mere mortals will be asked to walk up from the main run site.
Sunday's HH3 run is also only approximately located at present with the run site likely to be on the southern side of the main Phatthalung-Chana highway, accessible from the traffic lights at Nam Om. Rough directions are: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left then go about 13k to the junction with the Chana road and turn right for about 5k to the traffic lights at Nam Om. Turn left and follow signs to the run site. Hares: currently unknown. However this is probably a run not to be missed as its predecessor about 8 years ago was run deep in completely virgin territory and as well as some great running, featured the only durian stop known to hashing, manned by luscious ... young ladies (ok, Superpig) offering fragrant fruit to the exhausted runners. Mmmmm!
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