With memories of last week's sunset ascent still fresh in some minds, this week's hare is aiming to bring a tear to the eye of every Lincolnshire lad as he attempts to break the record for the lowest point ever on an SH3 run and the minimum ever total ascent. But there will be plenty of running and some gorgeous trails that "we've never run before". (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!)
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers run #1710, Saturday, March 29, 2014, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Egghead and Haram
Misdirections: From the Kao Saeng intersection, take the old Yala road for 8k and turn right before Ban Dan School for 1.5k to the run site on the left.
Map for Sunday's HH3 run below which will be from the same site as last weekend's highly successful Sex Printer birthday run. Hares seem to be Sex of the Man (the real thing, not the wannabee in the smog) and Sex Somethingorother
Finally, for the Hash intellectualati, this month's quiz nite has been postponed for a week and will now take place at the Office Bar on Friday, 4th April. More details next week but hopefully this will mean that the full power of the Hash team will be available to do battle with the might of Songkhla's mental elite, not to mention with the quiz master who is....
Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, you have seen the light! Halleluljah! A flat run, a 2D trot!
ReplyDeleteBut, I can't make it, this flatlander will be struggling over the hills of Malaysia.
So, have fun and remember, the down down song for flat runs is:
" When I was bound apprentice in famous Lincolnshire
Full well I served my master for nigh on seven years
Till I took up to poaching as you shall quickly hear
Oh, 'tis my delight on a shiny night in the season of the year." down down down down.....
On On Gan Yao
what a load of bollocks that was....who wrote that....oh, me? Blast!! On On
ReplyDeleteFlat run??
ReplyDeleteWhat is Yardstick going to fall off?
The beer truck? His stool? Don't underestimate him!
ReplyDeleteHe can always fall of his Nikes!