Unless of course you are coming from Hatyai, in which case you haven't gone far enough.
The big tree is being cited again this week which along with Poonakan and the much misused old/new Yala/Hatyai roads, is one of our most popular landmarks. This week it is Yardo who is calling on its negative location (as in you don't want to be there) to reference what is claimed to be an entirely novel runsite.
Details are:
Songhla Hash House Harriers run #1669, Saturday June 8th 2013, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Yardstick and Perky
Misdirections: From the Kao Saeng intersection take the old Yala road for 16k to Wat Kunthong (5.3k past the An Thong intersection of the old and new Yala roads) and turn right for 1.1k, then left for about 400 meters to the runsite (those coming from Hatyai, should pass the big tree going towards Wat Kunthong and go 2.4k then turn right.)
Early notice this week of the whereabouts of Hatyai H3 on Sunday (June 9th), even if the identity of the 3 handsome male hares is being kept a closely guarded secret. Map below, including creditable directions give or take a preposition or two (and whose counting?)
See you there!
Isn't it kind of silly that after all these years we're still calling it 'the big tree' as if there were no other big trees anywhere around here? So I think it's time we give it a proper name. Maybe something like 'Clarence' or 'Phibunsongkram'. Please Mr. GM, form a committee to study this important issue.
ReplyDeleteHow about lingYuck the monkey tree? :o
DeleteAnd another thing. Just who are those 3 Arab terrorists setting Sunday's run? And if those bastards use the Gorge of Death (coz that's the runsite for it) I'm going to be seriously upset, because I'm already planning a return there on June 30!
ReplyDeleteThe committee met this evening to ponder the naming of the tree and have agreed on two options which will be voted for at a time which will be announced at 5 minutes notice to ensure that only those making the anouncement have the chance to take part in the democratic process. The proposed names are:
ReplyDeleteThe glorious tree of the 7th anniversary of the sacred coup that overthrew the traitor Thaksin and guaranteed the rights of the Thai people to elect whoever they want to lead them; and Woody.
Members are asked to respect the right of the ruling clique to force everyone else to accept their will and are asked not to express an opinion about which of these names will be chosen.
The Cronies like Woody, though it does sound a bit like a 70s porn star.