Here's the GPS view of yesterday's run, #1631. If it looks a bit messier than usual it's because it was pretty much improvised on the spot. Basically the long run was the loop to the right and the short run was the one on the left. Long run stats: about 7km, total ascent not quite 300m, and highest point just 138m. Short run: about 4km. One minor medical casualty but no lost runners and a good time all around. Thanks for visiting, Gasing Rangers, and come back any time!
Yeah, what a great bunch of people. It's just such a shame that we were so overwhelmed by them - not sure what the SH3 turnout was, but even supplemented (generously!) by Nasty Cyst and Julie we probably didn't break 20 - about half of the Gasing numbers. And on Friday, we were positively dwarfed with only 6 or 7 SH3 runners participating in what turned out to be a brilliant evening's entertainment around the watering holes of Songkhla, against the 51 people who turned out from Gasing. Even so it was a very worthwhile effort to entertain them.