Saturday's SH3 run is being set by the man responsible for all those annoyingly intuitive maps that help everyone get to HH3 on Sundays and may explain why they are getting about 3 times the turnout that SH3 manages every week. But strangely although Sex Sprinter along with the Hash's answer to Robin, Buk Toy is the hare this week, no map has arrived to grace this missive.
Happily we just happen to have a Google Earth image readily to hand, which is unlikely to help you reach the runsite unless you are already familiar with both the area and also with the peculiar view of the world which Google Earth tends to present, preserving as it does such strange features of reality as scale, perspective and bendy roads. So, since most of us seem to be above such sordid details, here are the misdirections in classic Hash notation with distances accurate to a 3-beer standard:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers run # 1629, Saturday, August 18th, 2012, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Sex Sprinter and Buk Toy
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for about 10k to the traffic lights at Nam Noi and turn left for about 3.5k, then turn right and follow signs to the runsite near the chicken farm by the other big tree.
Also absent this week so far is any information about where HH3 will be running on Sunday, which will no doubt emerge shortly and will be announced on Saturday, or if one of those proper maps with the world reduced to a driver's eye view should surface it will be disseminated in a manner similar to that in which you are viewing the current .... (this sentence has gone on long enough and is being terminated to avoid further torture to the reader!)
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