The long one was about 7.5km, maybe 8km if you were silly enough to do the false trails. Total ascent 250m, which for a run this length from this site is about as little as is possible. First runners back in 0:55 -- that's really quick -- with the short runners (the red bit, run in reverse, i.e. counter-clockwise) appearing about ten minutes later.
What's weird is that we met the first of the short runners where their trail rejoined the long run (the right end of the red track). And yet somehow we did that whole big clockwise loop to the bottom and back before they managed the little bit on the upper right. OK, the top right part was the hill. But I suspect the real delay was the foraging . . . .
Naaahh! The reason is that we are all highly trained athletes who were carefully conserving our energy to put in a big finish.