Time was when the name of Off T on the hare list struck fear into the heart of strong men, but Sunday's HH3 run showed that under the firm and disciplined guidance of a pussy, even the directionally challenged can set a creditable run.
In fact it was more than creditable if post-run reactions were anything to go by, even if not everyone could be tempted to ascend the second hill, and Sex Printer, Nicheow and Sex Tsunami took the easy way home, which lesser hares might have opted for. But most of the pack stuck to the trail and made it up to the top of Kao Wong as well as almost making it to the top of Kao Lam, for a total ascent of 369 meters in a little under 7k without the checks.
The short run was laid by the firm and disciplined Moo Sahb who dragged Full Moon half way up the first hill to meet the long runners as they headed down for the first time, then picked up the paper and lovingly relaid it for the short runners. No record of who came in first, but the rear was brung up by Yardo and Softy who sensibly did not stray from the trail. Gan Yao/Big Foot, chastened by his dalliance with paper the previous day, went off on a random walk of his own on the wrong side of the first hill, but otherwise everyone managed to follow the soggy paper home before sunset.
No record? Let me tell you this: for once it wasn't a dog. Not that we keep track or anything.