The pack express their appreciation to the hare.Yes, it's finally here . . . the Ides of March Run. 2,056 years and nine recces in the making! Daring new heights where no hasher has ever gone before! You'll run like a Roman Centurion, and then party like one too!
Time and date: 4 pm. Sunday, March 25
Hare: Beavershot
Misdirections: This is an HH3 run so all we can tell you is to go down Punnakan Rd. from the Hatyai end* for 3.5km, then turn right on Soi Baan Nai Rai. Turn left under the big power pylons at 1.3km and you'll see the runsite on your left.
*We trust that SH3 Trailmaster Egghead should shortly be able to provide the distance down Punnakan from the other end, at Wat Khao Kloi.
We will rise to the challenge...of posting the misdirections, as soon as Kii Leum gets his act together.