Yesterday's run: about 8km total, including false trails; maximum elevation just 167m, total ascent around 250m. First in was Safe Sex in, I dunno, about 1:15? Bringing up the rear was Wet Spot, in well before dark despite arriving entirely on his own at the near-impossible last check and finding it still unbroken.
Apparently there was an anonymous complaint about "too much running". Given the nature of this event (a hash, er, run), we would have thought that this would be like saying there was "too much beer" in the beer truck or "too many bubbles" in your tub at the Pink Lady. But the hare in fact had considered that possibility, which was one reason for the number and difficulty of the checks.
The other reason of course was to confuse and lose Mongolian Sex Rat. This proved so successful that he didn't even show up. A moral victory, if not quite as satisfying as seeing him slink in from the wrong direction half an hour after everyone else.
Thanks for the run and great company. Percy and I (Jim) had a cracking time. Percy's gone now to the Philippines then back to Geneva, but I aim to come again in a couple of weeks. It was quite an experience. Jim