Well! What more can one add to those crisply concise misdirections (below - well below that awful picture anyway), other than that it can't possibly be as complicated as it seems and no doubt the huge number of hash signs that will be strategically placed by the hares will make it all seem like childsplay.
The rest of the official misdirections will read:
SH3 run #1532, October 16th 2010; 4:00 p.m.
Hares: Beavershot and Handjob (if she doesn't get lost on the way)
Misdirections: ..... etc.
Sunday's HH3 run seems likely to be a further Sex Printer-Buk Toy joint venture and the run site is advised as being at the same place that last weeks run started. This presumably refers to where we started running rather than the resort where we all got onto the truck, in which case the misdirections will be:
From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left. Go 11k and turn left; bear left after 400 meters and go about 2k until you see the hash sign.
On! On!
P.S. in case you're wondering about the photograph above, it's just to get that dreadful picture of the appalling torture being inflicted on that dear little girl below, (did anyone else notice the tear in her eye and wonder what it is that gets into people when they get a camera into their hands and inspires them to create such sordid images?) off the top of our nice family-hash blog. In case you're wondering, it's a place called Beaver Lake in Ashington North Carolina. Ironic eh?
Well, the theme was "masochism" so I considered using a photo of 1) some old geezers torturing their aching bodies out in the jungle every Saturday or 1) Stick Insect getting pummeled and contorted by Handjob last Friday. But those were both way beyond the bounds of good taste.