Then: Dungbeetle frolics with his usual gaggle of female admirers. But was he getting any?
It didn't even take a "No More Dungbeetle in Songkhla" t-shirt. DB has left us for the greener pastures of Don Sak or Khanom or wherever it is that his ex-Samui mates hang out. And, judging by a recent email, he's enjoying it just fine.
Dungbeetle, who, as the poster would of course know, if he had been doin' what he oughta and running in Songkhla and Sadao this weekend, rejoined us for a cameo appearance looking sveldt and tanned, but strangely, after mysteriously materialising in the middle of the long run holding not a welcoming beer but an underwater camera, disapperead completely presumably having been eaten by a chicken shack!
Dungbeetle, who, as the poster would of course know, if he had been doin' what he oughta and running in Songkhla and Sadao this weekend, rejoined us for a cameo appearance looking sveldt and tanned, but strangely, after mysteriously materialising in the middle of the long run holding not a welcoming beer but an underwater camera, disapperead completely presumably having been eaten by a chicken shack!