Saturday, June 26, 2010
A little something for Winge and Minge (Are they secretly German by any chance?)
From the World Hash Space website (
Hey Dok!
I have a serious fear of shiggy. Here it is Summer and I am reluctant to follow the trail. You see, when I was in Germany, following a hash trail was like following a fairytale path through easy woods trails, down narrow village streets and across flower strewn hills and dales. The biggest fear I had was drinking too much of the good German beer and having a hangover the next day. Now, I am in the tropics. These crazy people run through swamps and shiggy beyond my imagination. I have seen snakes slithering off to the side of the trail, crocks eyeing me along waterways and hear strange noises as we pound through growth where it can become dark and foreboding. I don't want to give up hashing, but G'! what can I do?
Scared of Things that Go Snap in the Bush
Dear Snap Bush,
Tough up you whining, whimpy excuse for a hasher! Why do you think the founding members of our little sport brought alcohol into the picture? Liquid courage is all you need. I prescribe 48 ounces before you negotiate every trail. You may still fear the unknown bite or snap at your heels, but you won't give a shit!
I do understand your nostalgia about hashing in Germany, having spent a few years doing just that, however one has to hash where one lives, so you must do the best you can with your resources. As a more serious recommendation, I suggest the following:
* Stay with the pack. If something happens to you on trail, you have someone to help or send for help.
* Wear protection. The tropics has mosquitos that can carry your your can of beer (and carry diseases), so make sure you wear a good repellant. If in the Americas, you also need to wear a blocking agent for any poisonous plants that affect you, such as poison ivy.
* Keep your shots up to date for your area. No need to get Yellow Fever if there is a perfectly good immunization for it.
I also have a bit of advice for the hares:
* Don't be jerks. Just because you can run a trail through the jungle past man-eating crocodiles, does not mean you have to. I remember practicing a trail in Southeast Florida when I was attacked by a mother alligator on her nest. Needless to say, I routed the final trail around that area.
* Clear trail if possible, but if not, find another route. If the trail is so thick that it becomes impossible to watch out for dangers, you are going too far in your pursuit of shiggy. That is why they make machetes and sling blades! If it is good enough for Stray Dog (GT) and Patchwork Quilt (founder of InterAmericas Hash) to get out there and clear a little trail for the pack, you are no better, hare.
* Avoid dangerous water crossings. If the water is not clear and there is a good chance for poisonous snakes or alligators, then find an alternate route. Don't be stupid.
Remember the hash is about having fun, not losing an foot to a crock or dying of snake bite. Let's make those trails enjoyable, not death traps.
Hare Doktor
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