Sunday's run, as experienced from inside Egghead's pouch. Click for SUPERsize!
Well, not quite what we advertised. It was Union Hash's 149th run, not their 150th (their official name is "Union 49", after the year in which they defected, I mean, were formed). No t-shirts either, at least not unless you got lucky and found a token with the right number on it. And not a great run by our standards -- lots of road and no less than three entirely pointless up-one-side-down-the-other hills. And a paltry 57 minutes for the FRBs! What a contrast to Egghead's magnificently generous run of the day before.
But the circle was great, the food and beer plentiful, and the whole scene about as perfect as a sunny Sunday afternoon in Hatyai gets. And we saw some nice fresh running country back there, if we can ever tempt SH3 to come this far . . . .
...and run for more than 57 minutes!