OK, so bits of it seemed vaguely familiar and the trail up was a bit iffy and there was a gratuitous descent and ascent of the hill, and it could have done with a couple more checks and a bit more paper; but all in all no one was complaining too much after Knob Gobling's virgin lay yesterday achieved with the aid of Only a Yolk, with technical assistance and a short run by ... enough! It was Knob Goblings first time at SH3 and the boy done good.
Notable events occurring were the big blow out suffered by the beer truck which sent Stick Insect off to the rescue, returning with half the pack and the wrong eskie; he left the one with the beer on the beer truck, a misdeed which under normal circumstances would probably have invoked the wrath of sole BTG Knackerwurst but for the fact that he is suffering from the after effects of an attack by Rotweiler, or should that be a rotweiler. Anyway, needless to say the Tiger brewery has laid off half its workforce until he is fully recovered.
Also returning yesterday after a five-year absence was Balls in the Air who brought along Ann, who is apparently some relation to Conebrain, as a new runner, the GM, back after a briefer absence, and much to everyone's relief, Hand Job scotching persistent rumours that Beaver had had another attack of Imtooyoungtosettledownyetitis.
Failing to return - on time at least, were Schmuckme Witherspoon, Tau Hu Yee and Phone Sex who managed to evade the ministrations of the sweeping hare and were headed for the Old Yala road when they realised they were off paper. Schukme etc. was iced for his transgession not least because he was carrying a mobile phone at the time (no sin in that!) but had the thing turned on to silent mode to avoid calls from the Klingon from Daeng's bar, so could not be contacted as the hares prepared to mount an expensive search and rescue operation. Derrrr!
City Tits finally got her mug for 950 runs and is now set to hit 1000 runs later this year, more or less at the time of our birthday. After Ours (600 runs) and R2D2 (150 runs) kept her company.
We'll be back at the same runsite this week to do the run which the technical assistant had prepared for last week, but, well, that's Thai women for you!
Trying to find out who actually set this run was like watching "Rashomon". But anyhow, well done. (And today's HH3 was even better -- a modern classic.)