I must be getting old... Let me rephrase that: I am getting old, and it must be affecting my hearing. Actually the weekend just past seems to have provided abundant evidence of this growing infirmity. To begin with there was my complete failure to hear Beavershot ask: "Which is the southernmost capital city of a country holding a seat at the United Nations and practising a form of self government recognised as self determining as opposed to a self governing overseas territory retaining its links with its former colonial power in order that it will not be overrun again by the dagos next door?" on Friday night, which added to Stick Insect's erronious belief that his liver is smaller than his brain, (well actually there might be good grounds for that belief bearing in mind the amount of deterioration in his liver due to alcohol abuse over the course of the last 40 odd years)saw the hitherto invincible Hash-quiz team defeated at the hands of... I'm not sure who; I never did work that one out but I am lead to believe that Haggishagger and Pubic Beard may have been involved.
Anyway, I diverge. Growing evidence of my incipient selective deafness is also to be found in my complete failure to have heard Knob Gobbling in his Off T livery announcing that yesterday's HH3 run was a monsterous 14k long and would involve at about the 8k mark, a descent down the side of a hill which owed more to sado-masochism than hashing and that thereafter the remaining 5k or so would be run in a straight line dictated by the GPS irrespective of what kind of terrain that straight line passed through. Had I heard his warning I might have done what he did, which was to short cut round the hill, or more likely I would have wandered off into the wilderness as did Gan Yao in the company of Only a Yolk who has seemed strangely elated since the misadventure.
But I am horrifed to realise that not only is my selective hearing loss affecting my ability to hear what other people say, but it is also apparently interfering with my ability to monitor my own verbal output. I refer of course to his Unassailable Rectitudeness the G.M.'s piece below, which were it not for the fact that I am without doubt suffering from a long term mental defect, I would have to regard as a scurrulous and wilful misrepresentation of the truth.
The basic outline of events is not in dispute. A sham election was conducted at which I, together with the equally unwilling Gan Yao were presented as candidates to the already depleted attendees, on the grounds that only Brits were eligible for the position, albeit that both of us had clearly indicated that we did not wish to stand for election. There was a slightly louder groan at my name that at that of Gan Yao which Beavershot sought to portray as a mandate for foisting me on the Hash in the position of Butler. As I recall, I protested that "I was already doing enough at the Hash" which I suppose at a shove might be construed as indicating that I considered myself too busy to serve, rather than as was intended indicating that I thought that the tiny circle of, dare I say it "cronies", who are involved in running the Hash could probably do with being extended slightly rather than just handing out another job to one of the existing committee members. But hey ho, I probably didn't make myself clear. I do also admit to the slight aimed at Canada which I unreservedly withdraw, since like New Zealand and dare I say it, the Falkland Islands, Canada has happily slipped off the colonial yoke and is making a creditable go of things itself which is more than can be said for the former motherland to which I find myself chained which is making a complete er.. hash of things (no pun intended).
But it is not to these minor misunderstandings that I aver in my fear that my aural faculties have deteriorated to the point where medical attention may be of no avail and it might perhaps be better to be allowed to expire peacefully in the confines of a carefully soundproofed padded cell. I am referring to the upstart G.M.'s inexcusable suggestion that I said "fookin'".
There are some things a man cannot ignore and being portrayed as speaking like a common oik are I have to say beyond the pale. The crime is even more serious when one bears in mind that in his saner moments the Beaver actually graduated as a linguist and should therefore be aware of the importance of understanding and respecting the niceties of regional dialectical variations and also the socal stigma that attaches to the mispronounciation of expletives.
Do I really talk like a Geordie? or worse, a Scouser? I think not! I think that if the G.M. cares to cast his mind back to the charged emotional atmosphere of the post-election analysis he will find that what I actually said is "'ere's your FAARKIN' beer" as befits my status as a son born of the city at the center of the universe (which sadly no longer holds the sway it did in far-flung places like Stanley, and Ottawa).
But I may be wrong - I usually am, or so Only a Yolk tells me, and she should know. Perhaps I should should seek the assistance of those around me, and the next time I begin gabbling in tongues maybe they could just hit me over the head with a large blunt object; like a blog, whatever that may be!
OK, OK, I was being whimsical and unnecessarily provocative with the transliteration. But really, old chap, you must get over this Falklands thing. It's a miserable barren windswept bit of rock.
ReplyDeleteYes, but it's OUR miserable barren bit of windswept rock! And you have to appreciate that most of Great Britain is a miserable barren bit of windswept rock; well everything north of Hertfordshire is anyway. We have an affinity for these things. Who else would have tried to colonise Afghanistan or Iraq?
ReplyDeleteWhere did the pictures go? Oh found them… after scrolling down the equivalent of about three screens. Perhaps there should be a link to these long dissertations.
ReplyDeleteI think there's an option to show just the first couple paragraphs of long posts, then click on "Read more" to see the rest. But I reckon anybody willing to contribute here deserves to have their whole post on the main page. A little scrolling won't hurt anyone . . .
ReplyDeleteI reckon we should chip-in and buy Eggo a digital camera, he is a creative guy, and there is a whole extra dimension that we have not had the privilege of being exposed to…
ReplyDeleteHowever there is a warning to be heeded. Beavo, you may find yourself overwhelmed and without income, that the creative genius of Eggo the photo-ographer pales you into insignificance without a hope-in-hell of securing another paying job, doomed to retaining any vestige of worth by the eternal setting of runs for SH3.